The District 9 Leadership Group is the inspiration of our Neighborhood Commissioners, District 9 Council Office and concerned Neighborhood Leaders.
The vision for the Group is to strengthen two-way communication between neighborhoods and the Council Office and build pride and a stronger sense of community in District 9.
The District 9 Leadership Group represents community based organizations, has a membership of neighborhood leaders, provides a forum for the ongoing development of our community and its residents, and advocates for District interests with our Council Member and the City of San Jose.
District 9 boundaries are identified consistent with those of San Jose City Council District 9.
Active Neighborhoods in District 9
Cambrian Community Council
Erikson Neighborhood Association
Friends of Cambrian Park Plaza
Pinehurst Residents Association
Thousand Oaks Neighborhood Association
Developing Neighborhoods in District 9
De Anza Park Neighborhood Association
Hillpark Drive
Kirk Park
Tatra Community Association
(Your neighborhood here!)
Open to any community based organization, neighborhood association, neighborhood group, or business group that is recognized by the District 9 Council Office and located within District 9 City Council boundaries. Each group can appoint up to two (2) members, 18 years or older, with two (2) alternates in order to ensure representation and continuity. Each individual may only hold one membership.
General Membership Meetings
General Membership Meetings are open to anyone, and all District 9 residents are encouraged to attend. Each meeting will feature a Guest Speaker who will address current issues of concern to District 9 residents. All attendees will be able to express their concerns and ask questions.
General membership meetings shall be held once every odd-number month. The Secretary will make meeting agendas available to the General Membership at least one (1) full week prior to any scheduled meeting.
A quorum shall consist of at least nine (9) active organizations’ members including two (2) of the Executive Committee members, with at least the Chair or Vice-Chair being present.
Executive Committee
Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and At-Large Member(s), a representative from the District 9 Council Office (non-voting), an a neighborhood commissioners (non-voting).